exercises to improve performance

Physical activity doesn't just help increase muscle tone and increase muscle mass - they aid in the healing of the entire organism. However, how exercise increases potency, if it's not for intimate muscle complexes, and why they are also important for libido, is poorly understood.On the other hand, experts believe that special daily exercise is an important moment to combat the loss of male strength.Why is it needed, does it replace medicine and how is it performed?

What are the benefits of exercise for improving performance?

Doctors believe that it is necessary not only for older men whose sexual function is naturally declining, to start a routine that stimulates potency. Such actions are recommended even for those under the age of 30: this not only improves erections and increases libido, but also works well to prevent future impotence. A few key positives of home methods for increasing erections through gymnastics:

  • Exercise improves blood circulation in the pelvis and keeps you from bruising, a risk that is especially high at a sedentary job or with a sedentary lifestyle.
  • With regular training, the body becomes stable, which has a positive effect on a man's ability to enjoy prolonged intercourse.
  • Exercise that increases potency is reflected in testosterone levels - the main male hormone. It will grow and erectile function will improve after that.
  • A special set of exercises compiled by the doctor helps to strengthen the muscles of the perineum, learn to control their work, also have a good effect on erection and prevent premature ejaculation.

execution method

The effect on potency does not imply immediate access to the desired form,Therefore, the performance of such sports should not be accompanied by pain or other discomfort.This is especially true for men with genitourinary disorders. Depending on the implementation method, experts give several tips:

  • Increase the number of repetitions steadily: start with 3-5 reps, then increase to 15-20 reps.
  • Avoid sudden movements during the meeting.
  • The training duration is set individually, but cannot be less than 10 minutes.
  • You can alternate potency-enhancing exercise complexes so you don't tire of the monotony, but you need to work all of your muscles in one day.

regularity of training

Exercises that increase potency are not strength loads, they don't exhaust. For this reason, their implementation is suitable even for completely untrained men and the elderly. Experts stick to regular workouts, preferably in the morning, and that should become a habit: They don't take classes for a week or a month—they're as normal as morning workouts.Practice once a day for the first few days, then in the morning and evening after a month.The first results of this potency-enhancing attempt will be within a month.

Morning exercise aimed at restoring male sexual function

morning exercises

To improve men's health, experts recommend dividing all exercises that help increase potency into two groups: The first group is the warmer element performed in the morning. Another includes more complex exercises aimed at restoring sexual function. Every morning, do the following:

  • Lie on your back and lift your right leg so your outstretched toes are looking at the ceiling. Use your feet to write the circle clockwise for 15 seconds and vice versa. Repeat 5 times with each leg.
  • Tighten your stomach and perineal muscles in an upright position. Keeping this feeling, go forward for a minute and raise your knees to hip level.
  • Lie on your back and stand on the bridge. Take your legs off the floor for a minute at a time without losing your balance.

what exercises can improve strength

All physical activity shown in erectile dysfunction cases requires forced acceleration of blood circulation to the pelvic organs.Some experts recommend increasing the load on the back muscles (mainly the lower back) and abdominal muscles in addition to the home complex for increased potency.What works for male libido and erection are:

  • squat;
  • lunge;
  • Simulate the practice of cycling;
  • Stretch your groin muscles.


Improving erection always requires accelerating blood circulation in the lower abdomen, soIf you don't consider the Kegel complex, the squat is a major exercise in male strength. Combining squats with pelvic movements helps make them more effective by engaging the perineal muscles.. The algorithm is this:

  1. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes pointed forward.
  2. Slowly bend your knees and lower to their level.
  3. Exhale, swing your pelvis forward, inhale - back. Repeat 5 times and get up.

pelvic rotation

Experts recommend starting performance exercises at home with a simple warm-up for your pelvic muscles and deep abs.Simple hip rotation stimulates blood circulation, helps stretch ligaments and strengthens core muscles.Men often forget to train. With your legs shoulder-width apart, you'll need to rotate your pelvis, first clockwise for a minute, then counterclockwise. Try to keep your upper body still and soften your knees. The practice time is 5 minutes.

quad pull-ups

It's difficult to regain full potency without exercising the muscles in your lower abs. For this reason, doctors recommend trying gymnastics, which have a good effect on the blood circulation of the spinal cord and deep abdominal muscles and help the production of sex hormones. It will take 2-3 minutes to complete the steps below. The principle of operation is simple:

  1. Focus on the knees and palms: the latter is under the shoulders, and the emphasis on the legs should be under the pelvis.
  2. Tighten your abs and keep your spine in a straight position.
  3. Inhale and pull your knees toward your chest without losing your balance.
  4. As you exhale, return to the starting position and do a similar movement on the second leg.
Exercise to improve men's health with erectile dysfunction

Lean to the floor

Tilts have no direct effect on blood circulation to the pelvis, however, they help increase the conductivity of the spinal cord, help maintain normal potency and warm up the back muscles. They started practicing the incline with 20 repetitions at a slow pace, carefully watching the spine, adding 5 repetitions every 3 days. You need to repeat 50 times without interruption. This physical activity can be included in morning exercises. The algorithm is simple:

  1. Spread your legs so that there are two feet between them.
  2. Put your hands on your waist, or spread them out and keep them parallel to the floor (this increases the load on your back).
  3. Keeping your spine straight (it's especially important not to do a lumbar arch), bend down as quickly and as low as you can.

Lift your legs behind your head and lie on your back

With the constant tension of the lower back muscles of the male body, the conduction of the spinal cord is disturbed, the innervation of the pelvic organs is observed, and relaxation and stretching are required to restore the correct state. A simple potency-enhancing exercise has a positive effect on this issue:

  1. Lie on your back with your arms along your body.
  2. Start raising both legs at the same time, trying to straighten them behind your head.
  3. To feel a stretch in your lower back, lie in this "folded" position for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

push ups

Classical dance isn't just for women - men who want to have a normal sex life also need to master some elements from the basic blocks. The main one is the plie: a squat, during which the muscles of the anus and entire pelvic floor, abdomen, and spine are tense. Move slowly and breathe evenly. 4 times at the beginning and 20 times at the end. Here are some ways to improve your performance:

  1. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and keep your feet as far away from your hips as possible.
  2. Slowly, counting to 8, lower your body so your thighs are parallel to the floor. Knees out, back straight, stomach tight.
  3. Return under the same account.
Squats will help effectively improve strength in men


A great strength workout to increase potency can be found in stretching compounds. It is performed after a warm-up, as cold ligaments can be damaged by such movements. The practice time is 2 minutes. Repeat 3 times intermittently. Working algorithm:

  1. Sit on your hips and bring your feet together. The bent knees point to the sides.
  2. Pull your heels toward your crotch.
  3. Exhale and press your hands to your knees, trying to lower them to the floor. Wait 30 seconds.
  4. As you inhale, try to bring your knees together to prevent pressure from your hands.

Set of men exercising at home

Most of the physical activity options above can help men improve their entire body and relieve tension without affecting the intimate muscles that play a major role in strengthening erections. hereSpecialized exercises are needed to increase potency, affecting the perineal area, especially the anal muscles.

Build PC Muscles

The load on the muscles from the sacrum to the pubis has a good effect on erectile function. It's called the PC muscle, and most men don't develop it, and it's the cause of weak erections, especially in men over 40.It will help enhance daily performance with simple exercises:

  • Sit in a chair and relax the muscles in your upper body, but keep your back straight. Tilt your head and close your eyes. Tighten only the PC muscles as you inhale. Relax as you exhale. Repeat 10 times.
  • A complication of the previous exercise: In the same position, you need to simultaneously tighten and relax the PC muscle through a series of rapid inhales and exhales, without stopping for a minute.
  • Lie on your back with your legs slightly apart and lift your pelvis. Start tightening your glutes and PC muscles without holding your breath. Relax after 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

exercises performed in the nude

If a man suffers from a genitourinary disorder, his erection suddenly weakens during intercourse, so he cannot enjoy a normal sex life,Doctors recommend combining the drug approach with special gymnastics to increase potency. It is based on strengthening the intimate muscles and is actively used in the treatment of prostate, bladder diseases, etc.Small effective complex for active massage of the genitourinary system:

  • Squat down with your legs shoulder-width apart, keeping your bent knees and hips level. Try lifting your testicles and penis while tightening your hips and press. Take 10 even breaths and exhales, then relax. Repeat 5 times.
  • Spread your legs wider than your hips. Put your hands on your soft knees and move your body forward. As you exhale, release air from your abdomen and tighten the pressure. Try to pick up the muscles inside the anus (don't touch the buttocks). Relax after 10 seconds. Repeat 8 times.
The man suddenly lost his erection during sex

yoga class

The mind-body system is as effective as more complex exercises when it comes to increasing potency.In yoga, the swastika requires attention - it helps restore the potency due to blood filling of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, improving the balance of the nervous system.This is especially important for patients with prostate adenomas. Execution principle:

  1. Sit on the mat, bend your left leg toward you, open your thigh, and rest your heel against your crotch near your right thigh.
  2. Do the same for the other leg. The left heel should be under the right foot.
  3. Extend your back and lower the backs of your hands to your knees, with your thumbs and middle fingers together.

In this asana, those with reduced potency should stay for 2-3 minutes, try to relax the upper body and breathe evenly. It's important not to feel uncomfortable. Similar rules apply to sarvangasana. It tones the pelvic floor muscles and is good for blood flow. It's done like this:

  1. From a supine position, lift your pelvis and tear your legs off the floor.
  2. Stretch, emphasizing only the shoulder blades and elbows.
  3. Make sure your elbows are under your back and you can support your lower back with your palms. Legs do not spread.
  4. Hold the rack for 10 seconds to 3 minutes.