Stimulating power men: natural and synthetic

A full sex life is fundamental for the half of strong humanity. Unfortunately, the casual vanity, poor nutrition, frequent stressful situations, impose its imprint on the manhood, which is directly linked to the factors listed. The power can occur at any age. From these problems, no one is immune.

  • The external factors influencing male potency
  • The internal factors that influence the power of men
  • Stimulating power on the basis of vegetable components
  • Stimulants synthetic power
  • Natural stimulants power

The minimum malfunction in the male sexual organ often cause panic among the men. They begin immediately to look for the possibility of return potential. This is what explains the wide spread of all types of stimulating power. Someone uses it on a constant basis, but for the most part has about them only a vague idea.

The external factors influencing male potency

Power affects a whole group of factors. Among the external factors include:

  • The state of the environment. Unfavorable environmental conditions (dirty water and air, high background radiation) has a significant impact on physical health. The damage is all the male body, including suffering from the erectile function, impairing fertility.
  • Professional factor. The bad working conditions, for example, a dusty room, or the presence of dangerous fumes. The non-observance of safety measures can cause damage to men's health.
  • Sedentary life-style. In the case of a lack of physical activity is broken the outflow of blood of the pelvic organs. After appear trophic disturbances and the functionality of the sexual organs.
  • Trauma. After the injury of genitals, also as a consequence of a surgical intervention, the man may lose some functions because of physical defect or a hormonal imbalance.
  • Stimulating power men
  • Food cravings. Proper nutrition plays a key role in the quality of power. In addition to the replenishment of the resources energy, food, give your body the fuel for the synthesis of sex hormones. For the formation of androgens require the cholesterol, that is, animal fat. The man must follow a sufficient deposit of fat in the body. At least 30% must be fats in the diet for men body to be able to constantly synthesize steroid hormones. The lack of cholesterol, with the consequent exhaustion of the body and reduce the power. It is also important to eat foods rich in zinc and phosphorus, because they are natural stimulants power.
  • Stress. Chronic stress and depression have a negative influence on the power. Remaining in a condition of mental tension, the man loses interest to life, as a result, the problems in bed. Physical and psychological fatigue along with the constant shortage of hours of sleep depletes the body's reserves, so the man does not feel the desire of sexual contact with a woman, you turn off the libido, resistance, quality, and reduces the power.
  • The smoke of tobacco, the use of products containing alcohol, addiction. All bad habits are the cause of considerable damage of power.

The internal factors that influence the power of men

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system, inflammatory or of an organic character. To him refer to non-specific inflammatory processes, and also infectious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases. In any inflammatory process is broken the function of an organ, in this case, suffers from the penis. Among the organic diseases, it is possible to highlight a birth defect, genetics, pathology, oncology, as we are the genitals, so close. When the adenoma of the prostate is broken the outflow of seminal fluid, and urine for urinary channel. If the prostate gland is not emptied and accumulates a secret, is fraught with serious complications.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. The violation of a proper ratio of male and female sex hormones leads to a reduction of sexual activity. Hormonal imbalance violates the proper development of the male genital apparatus. If so endocrine diseases such as diabetes, which affects the blood vessels, and broken blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs. Glycosylation of nerve fibers leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the penis.
  • Somatic diseases. Heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases are accompanied by violation of the circulation of the blood, which causes a violation of power. One of the symptoms of obliterating atherosclerosis of the aorta is sexual impotence. When paresis and paralysis of different etiology may worsen the power, up to impotence.
Stimulating power on the basis of vegetable components

Stimulating power on the basis of vegetable components

More popularity among the pharmacy stimulating power purchased dietary supplements. It is often homeopathic or vegetable drug has the nature. These pharmaceutical substances, it is sufficient to deal successfully with the problems of power, however, to use their recommended only after consulting your doctor. A specialist will help you choose the right medication from a wide variety.

It is worth mentioning that the main action of the mass dietary supplements paid only to the short-term power increase, but to eliminate the root cause of poor erection are not able to. Similar stimulating power can improve the quality of the sex, significantly strengthening the feeling of a man. Them you can easily apply for a long time, because it does not cause addiction.

The stimulating effect of natural origin is based on strengthening of blood circulation in sexual organ, which depends on the power. On the shelves of pharmacies you can encounter the drugs that you have to take exchange, and there are those that are used directly before sexual intimacy.

Stimulants synthetic power

Take like stimulants prior to sexual intimacy, and the effect it still maintains a certain period of time. These experiments have demonstrated that man is not accustomed to these drugs, even if without sexual arousal the desired effect achieve the impossible.

Due to the fact that stimulants synthetic has a series of contraindications, apply only on prescription from the doctor. It is not recommended to take Viagra men with cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The side effects from the intake of drugs may occur in the form of headaches or back pain, dizziness, nausea.

Natural stimulants power

Fruits of the sea

To stimulate the power they fit well certain food products. The beneficial substances contained in them, have a positive effect on erectile function. These products have obtained the title of aphrodisiacs. Since ancient times, the people, and not without success, have used the gifts of nature to increase sexual energy. Beautiful stimulating power are the following products:

  • Nuts. They contain a large quantity of important trace elements and vitamins. All types of nuts, see it as natural aphrodisiacs. The most effective almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts. More benefits to bring in combination with the honey.
  • Fruits of the sea. They are characterized by a high content of zinc, an element, responsible for the synthesis of testosterone. To strengthen the masculine force, we must not forget oysters, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, mussels.
  • Meat. Meat products provides the body with protein, which is necessary to strengthen the erection. It is not recommended to consume fatty meats. It can be useful to beef and turkey.
  • The plant food. Some types of fruit and vegetables are able to exert a positive influence on the potency and sexual desire. A recognized Leader for male power are celery, parsley, coriander, onions, figs, garlic.