Folk remedies to increase potency

Low power causing problems, both physiological and psychological. The disease may be associated with the use of harmful substances, prolonged stress, depression. Power reduction can be expressed as an isolated case, or as an ongoing phenomenon.

the reasons for the drop in power

A temporary reduction of power more associated with the emotional state of a person. Depression, stress, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, excessive physical exercise, the experiences all of this reflects negatively on the male power. In this case, to restore the power, just eliminate the cause.

If the drop in power is observed constantly, is the fundamental cause you need to look for in the lifestyle and state of health.

The main causes of power reduction:

  • The age of maturity. In men after the age of 50 reduces the primary production of the male hormone testosterone, which responds to the manhood. The practice shows that many men lose the male strength and sexual desire 60 years.
  • Frequent stress. A long emotional stress, depression, lead to malfunctions of the reproductive system.
  • The consumption of drugs, alcohol and smoking. All of these substances affect the production of the male hormone, and constricts the blood vessels, causing the blood circulation in the genital area.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system (urethritis, prostatitis, etc.).
  • A sedentary life-style. The men to be very damaging a lot of time to spend in a sitting position, so as to significantly impeded the flow of blood in the pelvic area.
  • Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep. Sleep is an important part of a person's life, and then with a constant lack of sleep reduces the production of testosterone in the body has no time to rest and recover forces.
  • The wrong food. The body needs to receive vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the correct quantities. If the poor, monotonous diet, the body begins to experience a shortage of nutrients, which reflects negatively on all systems, including sex.
  • Of a psychological disorder. A bad sexual experience can cause impotence. This is due to fear men, once again, to experience a fiasco. Therefore, you experience even more problems. Phobias – a much more common cause of reduced power, and c their is very difficult to fight. In this case, it is necessary to contact a professional psychologist.

To restore the power, it is necessary to identify the cause and start the treatment. In some cases, the male is sufficient rest and sleep. Someone need to change their diet, and someone must consult a doctor to increase the testosterone level. Also popular are the remedies to increase the power. They are particularly effective in the early stages of the disease and can be used for the purposes of prevention. Folk remedies it is recommended to use in parallel with the drugs.

Decoctions, infusions, herbal teas and other folk remedies to increase potency

Use folk remedies to increase potency:

thanks to the power of men
  • Take the same amount of honey and walnuts. Chop the walnuts and mix with the honey. Each day, eat 50 g of this compound after the meal, and after some time you will see a positive result. Portion need to split into 2-3 doses. Products of beekeeping perfectly act on the manhood. Orechovo-honey mixture is not only useful, but also a delicious product.
  • In case of problems with the power helps decoction of nettle. To prepare the broth must take the leaves of nettles, pour a glass of boiling water, a little cool, and add 1 teaspoon of honey. The broth you can drink it as a tea. If you are using the fresh leaves, then take 50 g if dried, then you need 100 g of raw materials.
  • To increase the duration of erection, use this method: - baths in warm water pharmacy mustard, relate them to walk in 10 minutes, and put on socks. After the procedure is to immerse the feet in cold water and rub thoroughly with a towel.
  • Effective people recipe – the infusion of thyme. This herb can be purchased in any pharmacy in dry form. For infusion must take 100 g of thyme, pour in 1 cup of boiling water and insist until it cools down. The tool to take it twice a day after a meal.
  • The effect gives a combination of such ingredients as honey, ginseng and cinnamon. A decoction of these products enhances the erection and increases the sexual desire. To make a decoction, you need to take 100 grams of ginseng, 10 g of cinnamon, 50 g of honey. Ginseng pour 500 g of boiling water and insist 2 days. Then put on fire and bring to a boil. After that you need to add the honey and a bit of heat. After 30 minutes, add the cinnamon and boil on a slow fire for 3 hours. The broth should infuse for 3 days. Ready the tool used by 200 g twice a day.
  • The ability to increase the power to the black tea with the addition of cloves, ginger and saffron.
  • Well-known folk remedy to increase the power – to- tea hops. For its preparation it is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of lumps, pour in 1 cup of boiling water, put on low heat and cook for 5 minutes. Then the tea is cooled and take half a glass 3 times per day.
  • Take a bunch of parsley and coriander, finely chop, mix and eat 1 table spoon during the meal.
  • Combine 4 tablespoons of the pulp of the roots of parsnip and 6 tablespoons of sugar, pour in 400 g of boiling water, put on slow fire for 15 minutes and leave to infuse for 8 hours. Tool finished take 4 times a day, 30 minutes before a meal 1 tablespoon within a month.
  • Pour the roots of aralia alcohol 70% in the ratio of 5:1, close the lid and put in a dark place for 10 days. The instrument must be periodically stirring occasionally, then strain and drink 14 days before eating, 2 times a day 15 drops, diluted in water.
  • Take 1 spoon of powder of the roots of calamus pour 200 g of boiling water, let cool, eat 50 g 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Grate the carrots on a fine grater, take 2 tablespoons, pour 1 cup of hot milk, put on low heat and cook for about 10 minutes. Tool finished take 3 times a day for 100 g.
  • Very good folk remedy for increasing male potency – turnips boiled in the milk. This tool is not only useful, but also tasty.
  • With the impotence of a mixture of a quarter of a tablespoon of garlic oil and 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. The tool you need to take the morning on an empty stomach every day.
  • Eat every day 5 nuts.
  • It works perfectly with a base of herbs mint, clover, nettle, st. john's wort. Take 5 teaspoons of each herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 20 minutes. Then filter and take 1 cup 3 times a day.
  • To increase the power is used the infusion of herbs. For its preparation it is necessary to take 50 g eleutherococcus senticosus, aralia, rhodiola rosea extract, and tincture of ginseng. Adopt the function 3 times per day 30 drops after meals.
  • For the male enhancement strength to make a blend of honey and spirulina. The course of treatment – 14 days. We also recommend that you include in the diet of most of the parsley, root parsnip, celery, cooked in milk.

Essential oils to increase the power

essential oils for the power of the men

To increase the sexual desire and potency, are used the following essential oils: rose, ginger, sandalwood and other. To get the effect mix 2 drops of essential oil of ginger 1 teaspoon of honey and eat. Instead of ginger oil, you can use powder of powder of ginger root. Take this mixture for half to one teaspoon 2-3 times daily before meals with water.

Onion skin to increase the power

This is a popular remedy not only increases power, but improves the functioning of the kidneys, of the heart, lowers blood pressure, eliminates the waste products and toxins from the body. Take 1-2 handfuls of onion peel, rinse under cold water, put in an enamel bowl ability to put on the fire, add 700 g of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes on low heat. To insist tool for 1 hour, then strain and drink for 100 g 3 times a day, 30 minutes before or after meals. Ready infusion should externally remember strong black tea. The course of treatment – 30 days, then you should take a break for 10 days and again repeat the treatment.

Dyeing with green tea bags to increase the power

Take 30 g of high quality leaf green tea, add 150-200 g of sugar, pour 1 liter of vodka and put in a cool place for 1 week. Filtered the finished instrument, and drink 30 g after breakfast and before bedtime.

Effective folk remedies to increase potency

  • Take 1 tablespoon of herbs of peanut (melting, flowers, stem), pour 1 cup of boiling water. Close the lid and let it stand for 3 hours, filter. Take 50 grams per meal, 4 times per day for 3-4 weeks. The infusion not only has a positive effect on power, but improves the quality of sperm.
  • The morning fasting eat 1 first dorsal fin. You can also make a salad out of onions and eggs. Works well in onion dyeing. For its preparation take 2 cups finely chopped onion, pour 500 grams of vodka, steep for 1 week in a dark place and then filter. The tool you need to take 2-3 times a day for 1 teaspoon diluted in a quarter cup of water. You will soon feel much better.
  • Boil the beets, grate cheese, mix with parmesan, carrots, add 1 teaspoon of honey. You need to take a third cup 3 times a day.
  • Tincture of pine nuts – an excellent remedy for impotence popular drug for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Crush in a mortar 200 g of pine nuts, fold in a container of dark glass of 500 g, then add 2 tablespoons of sugar, pour the mixture of alcohol doctor, close the lid and put on the 1 month in the refrigerator. The finished instrument filtered through a gauze, and take 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day, diluted 1 teaspoon of instruments in 1 cup of water.

Methods of prevention

In order to avoid this disorder, as impotence, it is necessary to monitor the health and respect the preventive measures:

the power of prevention
  • Eliminate alcoholic beverages, or severely limit their use. Alcohol, like smoking, reduce levels of testosterone, disastrous impact on sexual function, reduce the immunity.
  • Stabilize the emotional state. Avoid stress, not to fall into depression. You need to find a way to relax, for example, sports, hot tub, hiking, etc.
  • To normalize the power supply. It is necessary to minimize animal fat, add more vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, fish, especially useful for men of prawns and tomatoes, stewed.
  • Every day, morning and evening to take a shower contrast. Not worth the effort to get to the point of fanaticism, and pour ice-cold water. Just alternate between hot and cold water in a few minutes. This method helps to improve the circulation of blood, and as a result – normalizes the power. After the shower it is useful to hard towels for rubbing.
  • Out in the open air, move more, and to keep under control the weight. At every opportunity to take off your shoes and walk barefoot. Very useful for walking on sand, grass, leaves. When this happens the natural massage some points, which are responsible for the functioning of the various organs.
  • Use means of contraception, passes the examination for the presence of diseases of the reproductive system. Some of them are asymptomatic but have a significant effect on the health of men.