Improve performance at home through exercise, medicine and folk remedies

Ways to enhance male performance

For men, a good stable erection and the ability to perform sexual intercourse are very important. The psychosocial consequences of a fiasco can have a negative impact on the overall quality of life. Nowadays, there are many expensive drugs that can overcome erectile dysfunction. But in most cases, it is possible to improve and enhance family performance.

Anyway, before taking medicinal preparations, you must try traditional herbs, specially designed exercises and drinking programs. It is possible that you alone will solve the problem that affects 150 million men on the planet. If you do not feel that there is a significant problem with your erection, then the increase in potency will not be unnecessary.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

The reasons for ineffectiveness can be completely different, sometimes it's superficial, sometimes it's childhood.

  • Psychology. A set of important reasons. Divided into primary and secondary schools. The main reasons are those that originate from deep psychological processes. These include inappropriate sex education in childhood, shameful sexual contact, and sexual assault. Inferiority can also be mentioned here.

Secondary diseases-fear, constant scandals with sexual partners, increased work activities, and the result is fatigue, depression and other depressive conditions.

  • Physiology. STDs are delayed or persisted. The nervous system is in poor condition. diabetes. Weak heart and blood vessels may also be the cause. After all, the strength and durability of an erection depends on the ability of the penile tissue to be filled with blood. Performance in men in their 40s is usually related to low testosterone levels.

Important note:If the relationship with your partner is exhausted, or due to the poor psychological atmosphere between the couple, your potential may be reduced.

There are risk factors due to the behavior of the man himself:

  1. Smoking. The substance found in tobacco has vasoconstrictive properties, which makes it difficult for blood to flow to the penis.
  2. Alcoholism. Large amounts of alcohol or low-quality alcohol can damage the entire body, including the reproductive system.
  3. Medications in the early stages of use will reduce sexual desire, which will have a negative impact on the psychological and physiological levels.
  4. Hypothermia.
  5. A sedentary life.

Traditional method

The home treatment of impotence is based on three components: preparation of herbal medicines and simple products, special physical exercise and water program. The combination of all the proposed methods will help to increase the effectiveness in the best way.

Among the folk remedies that work quickly and have good effects on men, there are:

How to improve male performance through folk remedies
  1. Full of vitality, which means that increased libido will produce a mixture of nuts and honey. It can be hazelnut, pistachio or walnut.
  2. Onions are famous for increasing libido. For these purposes, it can be used as it is, or in the form of decoctions and tinctures. 1 tablespoon l. Dried onion seeds should be poured into a cup of boiling water. Half of the prepared potion is drunk in the morning and the other half is drunk at night. The infusion can also be performed in water, only in cold water. Pour the chopped onion into it. Take 50 ml. three times a day.
  3. Ginseng root can be infused with alcohol. This process takes at least two weeks. Take 10 grams of roots per 100 ml. Drink three drinks before meals. You cannot use more than 30 drops of the agent at a time, even if it must be diluted with water or weak tea.
  4. The miracle plant ginseng is also used for harvesting. They said that with its help, it is easy to get erections in men under 60 and young men. This refers to people participating in a mixture of honey and cinnamon. Pour 100 grams of ginseng herb into 500 ml. Boiling water. The tin process takes two days. Next, it must be boiled again, keeping the heat low, and adding 50 grams of honey. In this mode, set the medicine on fire for half an hour. After removing the decoction from the stove, add 10 grams of cinnamon. Let the mixture sit for three days and then consume it in a glass twice a day.
  5. Introduce ginger, parsley, coriander, mustard and celery to your diet. Plants enhance libido. Decoctions are usually made with parsley seeds, which are drunk after half a cup after a meal. It is very possible to substitute broth for tea.


Special exercises to improve performance are simple and don’t take much time. But they can increase male strength after the age of 50 and are an excellent preventive measure for young people. In fact, it is necessary to introduce sports culture in the context of sexual opportunities from adolescence, so that you will no longer suffer from prostate-related problems in the future.

Exercise to enhance male performance

The most effective and effective way to exercise positive exercises is:

  • The person stands upright with his hands at the waist. The leg is slightly bent at the knee. One such exercise: the knees are bent a bit, the hip muscles are tightened, as if holding something. Next, you should pull to the starting position. It is necessary to perform several runs.
  • Exercise the prostate. In the prone position, the knees are bent in half. At the same time, the feet will not leave the surface. The arms are in an extended position along the body. One round involves raising and lowering the pelvis 15 times. The best way is six. In this basic exercise, blood flows to the prostate, thereby improving male hormone levels. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the entire genitourinary system.
  • The treatment of male erectile dysfunction also includes exercises such as squats. They don't look like ordinary, and their techniques are a little different. If everything is correct, the production of testosterone will increase, which will increase potency. The starting position is standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Before starting the exercise, the buttocks will be compressed. The man sinks as much as possible, and the heel cannot leave the surface. During the squat, you need to hover for three seconds, and then slowly straighten your legs. You need to constantly monitor the tension of the gluteal muscles, because this is the focus of the entire exercise. Don't over-exercise-don't do these exercises more than 20 times.
  • With the help of these special exercises, men can not only increase their strength, but also prevent prostate disease excellently.

  • One of the main exercises is related to the so-called "strength muscles". It is performed in a supine position. The legs are free, shoulder-width apart. The position of the hands is not important-they can be placed on the belly or simply stretched above the body. In addition, the person is only tightening the muscles he feels in the perineum. The anus and testicles converge. Through these operations, blood flow is improved and the muscles themselves become active. This is not only to prolong the erectile function of men, but also to prevent prostate disease.
  • Naked sports. It is necessary to become naked, with legs shoulder-width apart, and knees slightly bent. For at least two minutes, the pelvis should move back and forth while the penis should swing. It should be a bit like sex. In this case, the breathing method should be as follows: breathe shortly through the nose and exhale the air through the mouth. After ten times, you need to rest for half a minute. The number of visits is five.

Water intake program

With the help of hydrotherapy, a person has gotten rid of various diseases since ancient times. This also applies to the treatment of sexual weakness. Their implementation is very simple and does not require any special conditions.

The contrast treatment with water involves alternate transplantation from a pot of hot water to a pot of cold water. The time spent in each basin is a quarter of a minute. So five times. This procedure is carried out every day for two weeks. It is recommended to repeat it every season.

The night bath of chamomile can increase strength, relax the body and mind and relieve tension, which may also lead to low libido. Pour three grams of boiling water into 50 grams of dried chamomile flowers. Let it brew, then pour it into the bath for about 20 minutes. Instead of chamomile, bay leaves are often taken.

The needle leaf dip bath is also excellent:

  • Take pine cones and needles, the volume of which is about 1 liter.
  • Filled with three liters of water;
  • Boil the mixture;
  • Then put it under low heat for half an hour. This is the day of infusion and add to the bath. You can take it in the evening and in the morning, but the condition is that the morning water should be at summer temperature.

Should you use drugs to treat impotence?

Most pharmaceutical drugs cannot cure the problem of low libido, but only lasting erections in one way or another. Therefore, they have many side effects and contraindications.

The feasibility of using drugs to treat impotence

For example, drugs containing sildenafil are not always suitable for elderly people with cardiovascular disease. In return, the pharmaceutical market can provide many homeopathic medicines.

If the root cause of sexual dysfunction is not deep, it is recommended to try the above methods. In most cases, the systematic execution of prescriptions can ensure the improvement of drug efficacy.